Everything we do centres around the needs of our students and our close-knit communities. To help our students feel safe and nurtured, our communities need to be small – so to accommodate all our sixty students, we have three of them! Two of our provisions are based in homely properties in Harrow, which feel cosy and welcoming and nothing like any school you’ve been in before. Our off-site provision provides learning in a variety of environments outside our centres, including at home, online, and in vocational and therapeutic settings elsewhere.
Kenton Road
This is our original building and we are very proud of our warm and comfortable Edwardian townhouse, with welcoming rooms for each subject and for our therapy sessions, as well as a kitchen, and music room in the garden. Situated near to Harrow School, we are very fortunate to be able to use their sports facilities and grounds for our students to get some exercise with our staff.
Roxborough Road
This building was our second centre to open in Harrow and has a more modern character than Kenton Road, with a large, spacious community room and garden, and rooms for each subject which are vibrant and individual. Situated near to the recreation ground, the centre offers lots of opportunities for the students to get outside and in the fresh air.
Off-site provision
Some students referred to Heartwood House are in absolute need of our therapeutic, student-led approach. However, they may thrive upon the outdoors, and a hands-on, practical approach to learning, or they may find it difficult to access our physical centres for a variety of reasons. For some of these students, the physical constraints of the small buildings used for Heartwood House centres, which are such a safe haven for the centre students, instead represent a confining, limiting environment. These young people need a slightly modified approach in order to benefit from the therapeutic learning opportunities Heartwood House has to offer. Our Heartwood House curriculum includes mentoring, outdoor education sessions, 1:1 tuition, and a choice of a range of vocational providers and therapeutic opportunities to make up their curriculum.