The why
At Heartwood House we understand that mainstream school isn’t for everyone. Most of our students have tried lots of different ways of learning that haven’t worked, and they often feel disillusioned and often let down by the adults around them. For this reason we strive to be totally different to any other educational experience they have had.
We aim to create a homely, welcoming, safe, and non-judgemental community. It is really important that we build strong, supportive relationships with our students, without this, none of our other work can take place. We take the time to get to know our students and what interests them, what they find difficult, what they would like to get from their time with us. For many student who join us, it is the first time they have felt “heard” and that their opinion is valued.
We never force students to participate in any activity in which they are not comfortable. Our aim is that students develop an intrinsic motivation to learn, based on their innate curiosity and their innate drive to progress. Students at Heartwood House are not learning “to please the staff” – they are learning, both academically and emotionally, in order to grow towards a more positive future, one which we help them visualise and believe in.
With this in mind, it is very important that students at Heartwood House understand that they are part of the community through choice, and not because anyone else has persuaded or coerced them to be there.
Our goal
Nearly all of the students who join us at Heartwood House choose to stay with us until they have completed their GCSEs or some other qualifications. Many arrive having missed significant school time, so it’s not uncommon for them to need a little more time to secure the qualifications they want. That’s perfectly fine by us—if it means staying an extra year or two to fully prepare for their futures, we’re here to help. Some students that join us, plan on going back into mainstream education – we’re here to support that journey too.
But the ultimate goal at Heartwood House extends far beyond academic achievement. We’re committed to nurturing students who embody resilience, respect, and compassion. Our aim is to cultivate individuals who are ready and able to move forward to the next stage of their educational journeys, most transitioning to colleges and sixth forms with confidence.
We strive to empower our students to become self-advocates—capable of expressing their needs and aspirations. Independence is a key milestone in our educational approach, ensuring that when our students progress, they do so with the ability to stand on their own two feet. At Heartwood House, success is multifaceted. It’s not just the pride in a qualification earned; it’s the journey of personal growth that leads there.

Our values
Before considering the values of Heartwood House, it’s important to understand where our name comes from. The heartwood is the wood at the core of the trunk of a tree. It is strong, resilient, and robust. The heartwood is what gives the tree its capacity to withstand any storm.

Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. We expect all members of the community to be treated with the utmost respect by one another; even disagreements can take place respectfully and the entire community has the right to feel respected throughout their time at Heartwood House.

Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. We aim for our students to develop a robust moral compass which they have the courage to follow in the most challenging of circumstances. Our goal is that each member of our community feels able to advocate for themselves and others with strength and conviction.

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” It is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another's suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Whilst we do not wish for any member of our community to suffer, what we do expect is that each member of the community provides support and understanding to one another when we are going through the inevitable difficulties that life can bring.

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. We aim to support all members of the Heartwood House community to develop strategies to enable them to successfully navigate all aspects of their lives.